Google Will Stop Indexing Non-Mobile Websites After July 5th, 2024

If your website is not designed to work on mobile devices, google are unfortunately about to make things difficult for you.

Google has declared that beginning on July 5, 2024, it will cease indexing sites that cannot be accessed on mobile devices.

This implies that if your site fails to load or display correctly on mobile devices such as Android smartphones or iPhones, Google will exclude it from its search index and rankings.

Does this matter to me?

Over the past ten years, mobile usage has surged dramatically. Nowadays, most internet traffic originates from mobile devices.

This trend is crucial as it indicates that an increasing number of individuals are using their phones to access the internet. Recent data shows that more than 60% of worldwide web traffic is now driven by mobile phones.

Google’s main objective is to deliver the best user experience. To do this, it favors websites that provide seamless and accessible functionality on mobile devices.

By excluding websites that are not mobile-friendly from its index, Google ensures users are guided to sites that effectively meet their needs.

What should I do?

If your website isn’t optimized for mobile devices yet, it’s crucial to take action now. Follow these steps to ensure your site continues to be indexed by Google:

Guarantee Mobile Accessibility

Ensure your website functions correctly on all mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets of different sizes and operating systems.

Utilise tools such as Google Search Console’s URL Inspection tool to evaluate your site’s mobile accessibility and pinpoint any issues that require resolution.

Search Console Inspection Tool

Adopt Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design guarantees that your website offers a uniform experience on all devices. It dynamically adapts the layout according to the screen size and orientation.

This approach not only improves accessibility but also enhances the overall user experience.

If you need a team of seasoned professionals to implement this, begin your project with Drayk Studio today!

Ensure Content Parity

Make sure that the content on both your desktop and mobile versions is identical.

Content parity is crucial because Google indexes your site based on its mobile version. Any discrepancies could negatively impact your search rankings.

Optimise for Mobile User Experience

Focus on aspects such as load speed, navigation, and readability. Mobile users expect quick-loading pages, intuitive navigation, and readable text without needing to zoom in.

Optimise images, minimise CSS and JavaScript files, and ensure buttons and links are easy to tap.

Utilise Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test Tool

Google provides a Mobile-Friendly Test tool to assess the usability of your page on mobile devices. It offers insights and recommendations for enhancing your mobile site.

If your test results indicate failure, it indicates how Google perceives your site. This could be due to incorrect coding or poor design choices when adapting for mobile.

PageSpeed Development Tool

When should I fix this?

The deadline of July 5, 2024, is approaching. However, the sooner you take action, the more advantageous it will be.

Transitioning to a mobile-friendly design can be time-consuming, especially for large or feature-rich websites.

Starting now provides you with sufficient time to test, fine-tune, and ensure your site is fully prepared.

Google’s recent announcement underscores the critical importance of having a mobile-friendly website.

With the majority of internet traffic now originating from mobile devices, it’s essential for your site to deliver a positive mobile experience.

Websites that do not meet this criterion face the risk of being excluded from Google’s indexing process starting July 5, 2024.

By following the steps outlined earlier, you can ensure your website remains accessible, indexed, and well-ranked by Google.

At Drayk Studio, we specialise in crafting responsive, mobile-friendly websites that not only boast appealing designs but also excel in search engine rankings.

Reach out to us today to discover how we can assist you in preparing for Google’s forthcoming changes, ensuring your site remains visible and accessible to all users.

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